Saturday, July 10, 2010

Arizona Bitch is Cray Cray

In recent news our world has been turning on our asses. If it's not a flood, it's an earthquake or tornadoes, hurricanes, locusts, chocolate rain, etc. In short, this bitch is mad and we in danger. But instead of fighting the Earth back by joining BP and getting revenge we take it out on each other.

Unless you've been stuck in your momma's basement smoking weed since 9th grade (I'm jealous) you are aware that some parched looking meerkat with a blond kitchen wig out of Arizona is declaring that anyone suspected of breaking the law is going to be asked for papers. No, not rolling papers, you silly stoners. They will be asked for documentation proving that they are legally in the country. Of course thirstay meerkat says that there shall be NO racial profiling. Obviously. I guess this means that every time Billy Bob Fux-His-Cousin runs a red light he'll be asked for his green card or passport?

The reason given for this tough-love law is that this helps keep criminal illegals out of the country. You see, even if a foreigner never steals, kills, and works twice as hard as the next guy, the fact that they came to this country without the proper documentation makes them criminals since they broke the law. See how that works? Oh, and the drug cartels and their hench men? I'm sure they are shaking in their ridiculous ostrich boots over the threat of being asked for their "papers".

I believe this could all be solved so easily. Someone please just give this bitch in Arizona a glass of water and some moisturizer. She was left out in the sun just a minute too long and now her sandpaper vagina is causing everyone to suffer.

And to just to give you something to rinse the nastiness out of your mouth...I leave you with Chocolate Rain!!

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